Monday, August 24, 2009

State Fair '09

I know everyone is looking forward to this post... Which by the way, if you're reading this, comment for God's Sake! Or just say you're following the blog (upper right ----->) So I know who my audience is. Anyways....

We went to the Iowa State Fair last night. My goodness what a shit-show. Nothing but mullets, non-handicapped fat people in rascals, fried food, and fat people as far as the eye can see. Basically the perfect storm of eating as much unhealthy food as possible, and still making fun of people that are eating more.

I'll start out with the highlight of the day for me. This was the most tricked out Rascal I have ever seen. This one looks like it had 4-wheel drive, chrome wheels, a trailer for your lazy friends, and TWO, count 'em TWO cup-holders on the trailer! Basically a "white-trash mobile." The best part about the whole thing is that people are riding these things all over the place, NONE of which are actually handicapped. They're just lazy and fat.

While at the fair this year we were able to see Julianne Hough at the free stage. Well no one there was actually a fan of the music she sings, (except for Sarah and a select few people who were actually cheering) Most of the people there just knew her from Dancing With The Stars and were hoping that Shawn Johnson was going to be there. She did look excellent. But the highlight was outside the show when we saw this couple......

For those who can't see, this is a guy in a Kilt WITH a Mullet, and and his lovely bride. With a wide load.

It's well documented that fair food is incredibly unhealthy. But that's the point. My sister-in-law's Boyfriend Kenton thinks that fair food is absolutely disgusting. Which is why I took this picture. They have deep fat fried Green Beans, Zucchini and Cauliflower. What could be more healthy than that? It certainly wasn't the deep-fried Snickers bar that I had. (If you're thinking to yourself, "wow Brian... that sounds amazing." You're right, it was.) More food stuff to come.

Next you'll notice the Stroller parking for all the parents. I won't make too much fun of this due to the fact that we were there with BJ and Kristen and their little guy Drew. But still... Stroller parking? Huh.

This is Sarah with something new at the fair this year. Pineapple Whip Ice Cream. Yes, it was amazing.

And here she is with another fair staple. These little morsels of awesomeness are known as "Cheese Curds". Basically a ball of cheese, covered in batter and deep fried in grease. YES!

That concluded our trip to the fair. I'm sure Sarah will post her picture from the actual camera sometime soon, so stay tuned. Until then, keep on eating.
On a side note: I weighed myself before I went to the fair, and then again when I came back... Lost 1.9 lbs. You're thinking, "But Brian, how could that be??!?!" Well, we walked a lot, and the monkey laid a large brown banana in the bathroom. All in all, a successful trip to the fair.


  1. Awesome!

    That's all I have.

    Can't believe you wikipedia-d "cheese curds"

  2. So i just added advertisements to this page, I think it's hilarious that they're all about body clensing, and being generally fat.

  3. Um - cheese curds. But I am a little disappointed that we didn't get a better picture of the guy in the kilt - maybe a face shot next time - did he even have teeth?
